We consider celebrities as perfect from head to toe as if they never defecate and their heart’s pump apple juice. We imagine them smell like vanilla when they sweat.
However if you are fond of reading magazines and you almost know them personally, you already know that celebrities aare just like us and when they sweat they could sometimes smells like hamburger, they could also stink on a hot summer day.
According to Rebel Circus, there are 15 celebrities reported to have terrible hygiene.
(Do you believe it or think these are just rumors? Let us know in the comments below!)
Johnny Depp.
Johnny Depp’s poor hygiene comes from many sources, including Angelina Jolie who reportedly made Depp use Listerine before their kissing scene on “The Tourist” due to his foul breath. Other reports of Depp rarely showering have come from serval sources.
Kesha sort of coasts on the dirty/sexy persona but that sexiness is far less potent when you remember her drinking her own urine on her reality show “My Crazy Beautiful Life” as a weight loss technique.
Cameron Diaz.
You might be able to not change your clothes for a day or two but you don’t have paparazzi following you all day. Diaz does and that’s why it was reported that she’ll go four days without changing her outfit. On top of that, she admits to having not worn deodorant for 20 years.
Zac Efron. According to sources from Celebritytoob, Zac Efron does not like to shower. He does however, like to get very sweaty. He’ll play a hardcore game of basketball and merely wipe himself with a towel to freshen up. That’s just not enough Zac!
Megan Fox. Fox is another celebrity that’s somewhat proud of her own messiness. The worst of it is, she’s a non-flusher!
Fox stated, “I’m horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, ‘Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn’t flush.”
Matthew McConaughey. Who’s the source that leaked news that McConaughey is not a frequent shower taker? McConaughhey himself! He’s said that he loves his own smell so much that he skips showers just to get a good whiff of its essence. However he did say “When it starts to bother me, I’ll take a shower.
Bradley Cooper. Bradley Cooper has also proudly admitted that he does not use deodorant. It’s unclear what about being a Hollywood star makes people think that they don’t need to use deodorant but this is not a good trend.
Robert Pattinson. Maybe Pattinson is a method actor and as a result, maybe he read somewhere that vampires didn’t sweat or have BO. Either way, crew members on the set for “Twilight” reported that they couldn’t stand to be near him because he smelled so bad. Pattinson himself has admitted to having a distaste for changing his clothes and not doing so until they stark to smell rank.
Brad Pitt. If you’re co-starring with Brad Pitt in a movie, you don’t really want to have to go up to him and tell him he needs to at least wipe himself down with baby wipes because he smells so bad. Nonetheless, this is what Eli Roth did on the set of “Inglorious Bastards.”
Jessica Simpson. This one came right from the singer’s mouth (unfortunately for anyone standing close to her when she said it.) Simpson admitted on Ellen that she doesn’t like brushing her teeth. She did say though, that she flosses and uses mouthwash, but those things are useless without regular brushing.
Courtney Cox. Courtney Cox is an ageless beauty and she looks like her armpits would smell like roses. Turns out that’s not the case. Her ex David Arquette stated, “Courtney may be pretty, but if she’s not on top of it, she smells like a truck driver and I like it.”
Julia Roberts. Roberts is another iconic starlet you’d never imagine to have hygiene issues. Turns out she has almost all the hygiene problems. A former bodyguard said she hardly showers in order to save water, doesn’t use deodorant and rarely shaves. He also said that when she does shower, she goes very light on the soap.
Viggo Mortensen. Just because “Lord of the Rings” takes place during a time period and in a world where hygiene likely isn’t up to snuff, doesn’t mean he has to live like that during shooting. Many of his cast mates said his decision to sleep in the woods and not shower was felt and smelt by all within a 10 mile radius.
Britney Spears. It’s always former bodyguards and maids that do these celebrities in. A former maid of Britney’s said she regularly found half eaten burgers, fries and cookies in Spears’s bed. Her former bodyguard said she picks her nose, skips showers for days on end as well as brushing her teeth and hair. She’s allegedly another deodorant celeb as well.